Friday, February 14, 2014

Give Thanks!!!

Thank you Lord for this beautiful day You have given me.

Do you find it hard sometimes to be thankful?  Especially when it is a trying day and seems like everything is going wrong.  

Well it say's in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 

What does this mean?  I have heard preachers say it means, "it's God's will when bad things happen so give thanks", but I do not believe that is what the scripture is saying.

So as I am meditating on the scripture, Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.- 1 Thes 5:18 .. The Holy Spirit says to me, "It's not that you are giving thanks for the circumstance, but you are giving thanks to God because you know that God is a Great God and He works all things out according to His Riches and Glory!"  

It might sound a little like this " Thank you God, You are so good and I am keeping my eyes on You not on what is going on around me, because You said "we have the victory", help me rest in the finished work of Your Amazing Son, my Savior Jesus Christ!" or just "Thank you Jesus, You are good!"

It is God's will for us to give thanks, because we know He is a good God, in all circumstances! Not give thanks for the circumstance! 

Remember, It says in Is 54:17 - No weapon formed against you shall prosper...... It also says in 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. - Seeking, that means there are those of us He can't devour!!!! 

You see satan is the thief with only lies. Yes sometimes things happen because of our actions and that opens the door for the enemy to come in and steal, but most the time the enemy is trying to reek havoc, seeking whom he may devour.  We can rest assured God is faithful, even in our mistakes He will work it out! 

So today, look to Him and give thanks knowing that He is Great and Loving Father!

Rest assured, when God gave His Son, He paid a great price for us and He wants us to walk in freedom, yesterday, today, and forever!!!!

Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored, Deeply Loved and Forgiven Forever!!!!

I LOVE YOU JESUS, Thank you!!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Here I Am!

Welcome to my new blog! 

I have been contemplating whether to start writing on a blog for a while now, and through the encouragement of loved ones, I decided to go for it!

You see, I haven't always been confident in who I am.  I went through years of questioning, feeling rejected and unworthy.  But then...

Jesus reached into my pit and whispered my name, "Daughter..."  I responded and decided to grab hold of Him, never to let go again.

He didn't just rescue me.  He empowered me with every necessary thing I would ever need to prosper and overcome in this world.  He chose to stay on a cross for me and, in exchange, I received a deluge of grace I did not deserve and could never be good enough to earn.

He is my King! 

He has given me a voice for my generation, and I must use it.

So come on in and learn with me.  Let's see what God does with an ordinary wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend in the strength of HIS extraordinary power!